Monday, April 28, 2008

USGBC Charlotte Builders Offer Environmentally Friendly Construction

People are finally beginning to understand the necessity of living in harmony with the planet. It is possible to be "more green" in ways both large and small. One thing to consider is the use of green builders the next time you are looking into construction of a home or office building. The United States Green Building Council of Charlotte is among the best resources for "green construction".
The United States Green Building Council is based in the Charlotte area. If a Charlotte builder is certified by this group, they have shown a dedication to using environmentally friendly materials, and an expertise at their installation. The process of green building can help us preserve our natural resources for today and into the future.
A USGBC Charlotte builder will use techniques that conserve energy during construction, and they also will build you a "green" home. One possible method is solar powered lighting during construction. Another method is to insulate the home so that it is energy efficient. Solar lighting in the landscape can also be used once the home is built.
Green building also pays attention to materials that are used. Wood is a renewable resource, but forests are stressed at present so materials that are more earth friendly are highly desirable. A USGBC Charlotte builder might for example use bamboo flooring instead of hardwoods. This material is rapidly replaceable in agriculture and provides a durable and attractive flooring alternative. Earth friendly wall treatments are also available.
Another example of green building is the use of solar panels to provide some of the energy needs of the home or other type of construction. These are usually roof mounted and can even be design elements. While they may not be enough for all energy usage, in these times of soaring fuel costs, every little bit helps. Solar energy after all is completely free and completely clean energy.
A USGBC Charlotte builder will almost always use more insulation than is required by code. He will also make use of insulated window construction to save more energy. The builder will choose from the most energy-efficient heating and cooling equipment on the market. This equipment can include state-of-the art technology such as heat pumps and on demand water heaters. Building an environmentally friendly home saves you money while you help to protect the environment.
With concern for the environment growing, people are more concerned with being "green" in more and more aspects of life. This can be as small and simple as using reusable water bottles to choosing green builders for your home or other building projects. In Charlotte, USGBC charlotte is a leader in the field of green construction. Belonging to the U.S. Green Building Council of Charlotte shows you're a contractor who is ecologically responsible and you've made a commitment to utilize only ecologically sound materials. A Charlotte builder is one who will choose methods that conserve energy in construction as well as in the final home or other building.
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